
Cancellation Policy

If you cancel our appointment within 5 days before the booking, the cancellation fee is 50% of the booking.

If cancellation occurred within 48 hours before the booking, cancellation fee is 100% of the booking.

For FMTY dates – if cancellation occurred within 1 week before the booking the cancellation fee is 100% of the booking.


Please kindly have my consideration/gift inside an unseal envelope and leave in plain view at the beginning of our date.
Screening is required and non-negotiable, real-world information.
This is for my safety and yours. The more info you can provide about yourself, the quicker and easier I can arrange for our meeting! Please understand that I do not meet all those who reach out to me, and I make my selection based in part off of the content you wish to disclose during screening.

Provider references are appreciated, but will not be accepted in lieu of your employment information or identification documents. References are like the good word a friend puts in for you before a blind date.

I provide 1-2 references after our meeting for free not later than 8 months since our last meet. Please inform me if you use me as a reference.


Please be respectful though, all explicit, poor-written and disrespectful communications will be blocked and deleted without reply.


Please always be a gentleman before, during and after our time together.
I love to start my dates with a meal, or tea, see where our time takes us. The time spent behind closed doors is significanty more enjoyable once we’ve had a chance to break the ice, and to build our chemistry…

Incall etiquette

I ask all guests to shower after arriving.
Dates that last 3hrs or longer should include some activity ( social time ). It can be ( dinner, shows , museums and etc)
Dates 3hrs or longer please add $300 if you are unable to leave the hotel room during our date.


I strongly encourage inquiries to be booked in advance. Please be mindful, I live a full life outside of being Elise and same-day requests are likely to be declined.

As a morning person, I do not offer late night rendezvous ( the latest appointment at 9pm).


Please be mindful of the appointment duration. If we run over time I assume you are extending the date.

If I have an open availability I would be delighted to spend more time with you. Please be prepared to take care of the extension immediately in cash. The rate for in-date extension is 700 $/hour.

If you are running 10 minutes or more late, our appointment will be cut short and end at the predetermined time. My full benefaction will still apply.

Once an appointment is booked and confirmed, I cannot reduce your donation even if you reduce the duration because I have reserved that time just for you.


Please do not ask me for selfies or unblurred photos. I have reviews that speak for themselves.
I do not allow photos or recordings of any kind during our time together.

I understand that your privacy is also important and make it my top priority. Please be assured that your information will be handled with the utmost discretion. NDA’s will be happily signed upon request.

Spoil Me

Gifts and tips are never expected but always appreciated, and make me anticipate our date that much more!


For overnight dates, I require at least 8hrs of uninterrupted sleep (the better I sleep at night, the happier you are in the morning.. I promise)

I can’t wait to spend time with you and create a new friendship.